The REAL forgotten and beautiful EP (Beautiful Eyes Album Review)

Remember when I reviewed The Taylor Swift Holiday Collection? I claimed that it was the "forgotten EP" when in reality it wasn't. Ironically, I forgot about another EP, Beautiful Eyes. This EP is very similar to Debut, and even includes four songs (three revamped) from it. This EP also contains two originals. Enough wasting time, let's get into the review, starting with...

#1: Beautiful Eyes (5/5)
This is the first of two exclusive songs on this EP, and it's really great. Taylor sounds really good, and the production is beautiful. The way the whole song flows is really amazing, and I can't believe this isn't released on streaming. I hope this is on Debut's re-recording.

#2: Should've Said No (Alternate Version) (5/5)
This is way better than I remember Should've Said No being. Apparently the production, lyrics, and melodies were slightly tweaked on this version, and redoing the original paid off. The production is amazing and really clean, Taylor sounds really great as well. This one also feels a lot fuller than the original version from Debut. I wish this was the original version, and I hope this is the version she re-records

#3: Teardrops On My Guitar (Acoustic Version) (5/5)
This feels like an Eras Tour surprise song, and that's a compliment. I really like the production, and Taylor also sounds great. The harmonies are awesome, and it's definitely a whole different vibe from the original. Overall, it's a really great song that I may even prefer over the original.

#4: Picture To Burn (Radio Edit) (5/5)
I really love this one. The production is so fun, and Taylor's voice is not that annoying here, and actually sounds great. I think the only change on this one include changing "I'll tell yours you're gay" to "You won't mind if I say" due to backlash. I'm kind of glad that was the only change, as this one didn't need any changes.

#5: I'm Only Me When I'm With You (3/5)
We've come to the last song from Debut, and it just so happens to be the worst. This song is in no way bad, but it's not that good either. Taylor's voice doesn't sound good at all, and it sounds like she's being forced to sing outside of her range. The production and mixing also feels really messy. I never listened to this one before today, and I probably won't be revisiting it.

#6: I Heart ? (5/5)
This song is so reminiscent of Picture To Burn that I think one drew inspiration from the other. I see why this one didn't make Debut, as Picture To Burn was a bigger single, but I really think this should've made it. Taylor sounds great here, and the production is really great too. I will be really mad if this doesn't make Debut's re-recording.

Final Score: 28/30 (93%) - Great
Favorite Songs: Picture To Burn (Radio Edit), Should've Said No (Alternate Version)
Least Favorite Song: I'm Only Me When I'm With You

Wow, maybe I've been missing out on Debut for the longest time, as this EP was really great! Almost every song was great, and I really enjoyed the entire EP. I hope the two exclusives become vault tracks for Debut, as I think they deserve more recognition. That's it from me for now, see you in the next post!


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